The club trains every week (yes, even in the winter!), meeting at 6pm Tuesday evenings and 10am Saturday mornings (except on event weekends – check our calendar for more info). Training sessions usually last around 2 hours.
You can book your first “taster” session using the link below.
We meet at The Beach Hut Coffee Shop in Preston Marina’s main building. Any new paddlers are given a short safety briefing and kitted out with a buoyancy aid and paddle, we then have a quick warm-up exercise before heading out on to the water.
Each session is led by a fully-qualified BDA coach, and typically includes a mixture of technique work, race practices, and some endurance paddling.
We now also have a Dragon Boat Ergo – a paddle simulator for “dry-training”. This is a valuable tool for refining technique and tracking performance, ability and progress… not to mention generating a healthy sense of competition – our members love to compete for the fastest 200m and 500m individual times! The Ergo also allows us to train on the rare occasions the conditions are unsafe out on the water.